Sexualizing schoolchildren and ridding parents of rights

ver since school prayer got outlawed by the Supreme Court's 1962 Engel v. Vitale decision, America has been in a major moral decline. All the correlations are there. When prayer got pushed out of the classroom, the secularists came in with their perverse agenda to sexualize children and parental rights have been undermined bit by bit.

Solid proof of this is a federal appeals court decision made just last week which ruled 2-1 against parents who asked to opt out their own children from being brainwashed and forced to adhere to a Maryland school district's homosexual propaganda curriculum. Add insult to injury, it was a Republican-appointed judge who sat on this Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and tilted the decision against parents.

It is beyond insane and problematic that in America, the land of the free, only those parents who can afford to either homeschool or send their children to private schools are somewhat more safeguarded from the secular left's tentacles to pit parents against children. Because secularists hate God and hate America, their aim is to teach young children to believe the same.

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