Arizona homeschooling moms say state imposing burdensome regulations with policy change: Feels deliberate

Fox News: Arizona homeschooling parents are accusing the state of imposing burdensome regulations on families after Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes cracked down on the state's voucher program requirements this summer. Homeschooling moms... More

Colorado middle school dean of students allegedly fired for saying he identifies as a proud American: Lawsuit

Fox News – A school district in Colorado was sued after it revoked the position of a dean of students allegedly for pushing back against critical race theory in its professional development programming, despite originally promising there would... More

Swing State’s School Choice Programs Are Helping Thousands Of Families — Dems Want To End Them

Pennsylvania’s school choice programs have opened a door for thousands of low and middle income families to get their children out of the state’s flagging public schools, according to a new report. Yet, Democrats are pushing a platform that... More

Weaponizing School Choice

Alex Newman: The United Nations and Democrats across America, along with some Republicans, are working to use “school choice” tax-funding for home education and private schools to bring it all under the control of government, warned The New... More

Planned Parenthood Teaches 1.2 Million Schoolchildren Per Year

Washington Stand: Planned Parenthood is the nation’s most prosperous abortion business, committing hundreds of thousands of abortions a year, but its website boasts of another feat: its ability to reach children with a controversial sex education... More

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

Harbingers Daily: The issue of “Climate Change” is one that many Christians do not know how to grapple with. Is planet Earth genuinely on a collision course with catastrophic man-made climate change, or is this another issue that requires... More